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I really really want to share today something that is so important and a word which utterly defines Aoife. Courage.

Aoife is faultlessly Aoife.

The heart of a lion with the courage to match. She is the most determined, kind, intelligent little girl but has the courage of 10 men doubled. Those of you who know Aoife, don't need me to tell you! But for those of you who just know Aoife from this page and her story, please don't let cancer define her.

People have been asking me, how are you doing this? My answer is without hesitation - for Aoife.

Aoife taught me what courage really is. Aoife dances like nobody is watching, she stands her ground, she wears what Aoife likes to wear (mostly mismatched and extremely colorful), she has a wild head of ginger hair (much like a lions mane) and she never ever backs down. A true warrior princess - who is the kindest little person you could wish to meet, but you would want her in your corner fighting your battle. Which is what I am doing for her now. So today, more than anything be brave and have courage to take that one small step, if I can do it today - then I promise you can too.

As ever, my final words are always to Aoife.

Today my Queen Elsa, I heard our dancing song... 3 times! I just know you are talking too me. I can still hear you singing along, I can feel us dancing around our kitchen together and I miss you. Miss actually isn't fair, I ache and yearn for you. Thank you for teaching me courage, I will continue the good fight for you. It has always been you, it will always be you.

Now, then and forever.

You are my best friend ever, thank you for being you and I promise I will not ever back down and keep doing everything I can for you.

All my love, Mummy xxxxxxx

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